How to find us

Goldenes Kreuz Private Hospital

Lazarettgasse 16-18
1090 Vienna
T: +43 1 40 111-0

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Arrival by car

  • Lazarettgasse is in a short-term parking zone in the 9th District: Pay parking is available on weekdays (Mon. – Fri., 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.) for a maximum duration of two hours.
  • Parkgarage am Zimmermannplatz 10 - St. Anna Kinderspital, €2.70 per hour
  • Parkgarage am AKH-Gelände - entrance at the corner of Währinger Gürtel/Borschkegasse, €2.80 per hour
  • Both parking garages are open 24 hours a day, and are just a few minutes’ walk from Goldenes Kreuz.

Arrival by public transport

  • Subway: Use the U6 “Alserstraße” station (about 400m from our building)
  • Tram: Line 43 or 44, use the “Brünnlbadgasse” stop, or Line 5 or 33, “Lazarettgasse” stop
  • Bus: 13A “Skodagasse” stop
Lazarettgasse 16-18, 1090 Vienna Icon Standort