Fees, billing
There are various options for billing:
- Patients without private supplementary insurance
You can of course use the services provided in our private hospital on a self-pay basis. Our Billing team will be pleased to help with any enquiries about pricing or estimated costs.
If you have Austrian social insurance, we offer an attractive flat rate for childbirth in our hospital. Please note that our inpatient accommodation fees are also very reasonable for patients with BVA/VAE insurance.
We will require a deposit to be paid on admission to the hospital.
Doctors’ fees should be discussed with your attending doctor.
- Patients with Austrian social insurance and private Austrian supplementary insurance
This type of private health insurance normally covers stays in a double room in this private hospital. In this case, costs are invoiced directly to your private supplementary insurance provider. Where a double room is covered by the policy, it is of course possible to pay an additional charge if you would prefer a single room.
If your private supplementary insurance includes a deductible element, you will receive a final account from our hospital after the insurance company has made its own calculations.
Since details of insurance cover and any possible deductible are determined by your policy, we request that you clarify this with your insurance adviser prior to your hospital stay.
- Patients with private, international health insurance
Before your hospital stay, please clarify with your insurance provider exactly which costs are covered, and to what extent. On admission to the hospital we will require either a written approval from your insurance provider (subject to internal approval), or a security deposit, unless Goldenes Kreuz has a direct billing agreement with your insurer.
Your hospital stay can be billed direct to all Austrian private health insurers and to almost all Austrian social insurance providers, as well as to many international health insurers.
Direct billing means that the bill for fees and charges incurred during your stay is sent directly from Goldenes Kreuz to the relevant insurance provider.
Direct billing agreements – Austrian social insurance providers
Versicherungsanstalt für Eisenbahnen & Bergbau
Versicherungsanstalt öffentlich Bediensteter (BVA)
Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse
NÖ Gebietskrankenkasse
STMK Gebietskrankenkasse
BGLD Gebietskrankenkasse
OÖ Gebietskrankenkasse
Kärntner Gebietskrankenkasse
Salzburger Gebietskrankenkasse
Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse
Betriebskrankenkasse der Austria Tabakwerke AG Betriebskrankenkasse der Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe Betriebskrankenkasse der Semperit AG
Betriebskrankenkasse Mondi Business Paper
Betriebskrankenkasse für die Betriebe Kapfenberg der Fa. Böhler
SVA der gewerblichen Wirtschaft
Versicherungsanstalt der Bauern
Direct billing agreements – private Austrian supplementary insurance providers
Allianz Elementar Versicherungs-AG
Donau Versicherung AG
Generali Versicherung AG
Merkur Versicherung AG
MuKi Versicherungsverein
Uniqa Personenversicherung AG
Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG
Direct billing agreements – private international health insurance providers
BUPA International
Tricare - International SOS
Please contact your supplementary insurance provider in advance and ask them to provide confirmation of cover.
Even if we have no direct billing agreement with your insurer, it is still possible to bill directly, providing we have their confirmation of cover.
All regular credit and debit cards are accepted.
T: +43 1 40 111-9555
E: verrechnung@goldenes-kreuz.at
Bank details
Privatklinik Goldenes Kreuz
Erste Bank
AT53 2011 1000 0120 1816